Coaching Leaders with Emotional Response-Ability®

The soft skills that drive leadership effectiveness are notoriously difficult to coach.

This is because, in contrast to “hard” skills (such as data analysis and accounting) which can be learned relatively quickly through concept education and training in specific techniques, “soft” skills (such as decision-making, delegation, conflict resolution, and EQ) must be learned over an extended period of time through practice, personal experiences, and social interactions.

Or so it’s been thought.

A recent breakthrough in our understanding of how our conscious and subconscious minds work together to keep us learning, growing, adapting, and maturing transforms EQ and other soft skills into hard skills.

This breakthrough is called “Emotional Response-Ability” (ERA), and it consists of 11 easy-to-learn techniques.

If your clients expect to see an immediate uptick in their leadership effectiveness after each and every coaching session, ERA is the tool for you.

To add ERA to your coaching toolkit, enroll in our 4-week course where you’ll learn to teach your clients how to:

  1. Decode Emotions Into Needs

  2. Harness Emotions to Improve Performance

  3. Empathize with Others to Build Rapport

  4. Prepare for Leadership Challenges.

Each week, you’ll join the creator of ERA for a live 90-minute class to practice coaching others through these skills.

In preparation for the live class, you’ll complete an hour of prework (watching videos and filling out worksheets).

Upon completion of this course, you’ll:

  • Receive a Certificate of Completion and 10 ICF CCEs

  • Gain access to the “ERA Content Library” with lessons on how to master the ERA Techniques that drive leadership and coaching effectiveness. Each lesson includes a video and supporting job aids and worksheets

  • Receive permission to share these ERA job aids and worksheets with the people you are coaching

  • Become members of the “ERA Coaching Community,” where you can ask questions, discuss leadership development challenges, and receive monthly supervision calls.

The cost is $1,950.

Each cohort is limited to 6 participants.

Watch this 15-minute introduction to the course to learn more.

Scroll down to enroll.

“I took the training to add Emotional Response-Ability to my toolkit. What I didn’t anticipate was how much I would grow in the process.”

Cyndi Wentland, Leadership Coach